2025 Buyers' Guide

Reach more than 37,000 growers via print, email and the web

The Buyers’ Guide is easy to navigate and includes all of the major product categories, from nurseries to packaging. It is mailed to all subscribers as part of the December issue and is available in digital form all year long.

The digital edition of the 2024 Buyers’ Guide had over 14,000 page views!

View the 2024 Buyers’ Guide


  • Companies purchasing ad space receive one free printed listing with company logo, plus a listing and link included in the digital edition posted on VegetableGrowersNews.com

Space & Materials Deadline: Oct. 25, 2024


Full page (full bleed)
Final Trim Size: 7.875"w x 10.75"h; Bleed Size: 8.125”w x 11”h
1/2-page vertical
3.375"w x 10"h
1/2-page island
4.56"w x 7"h
1/2-page horizontal
7"w x 4.875"h
3.375"w x 4.875"h

Contact Bobby to Reserve Your Space

Bobby Albino
Advertising Sales Executive
