Increase your brand awareness and educate the market by sharing your video with VGN subscribers.
- One supplied video delivered via email
- Opportunity to share your video with an engaged audience; video may include new product information, how-to guide for product usage, testimonials or success stories
- Link to the video on your website or link to archived video hosted on VGN website
- Hosted on VGN website for one year
Advertiser Benefit
- Exclusive content marketing opportunity with 100% share of voice
- Strong positioning with the advertiser seen as an industry leader
- Duration: 2-3 minutes in length but not exceeding 4 minutes
- Frame size: 30 FPS
- Key Fram: every 30-60 frames (2 seconds)
- Video Data Rate: 600 kbps
- Audio Data Rate: 48 kbps
- Total Data Rate: 648 kbps
- Dimensions: 480 x 360 pixels (4:3 Full Screen) or 480 x 270 pixels (16:9 Wide Screen)
- File Types: .mov or .mp4 format only
Video description:
- Short description of 210 characters including blank spaces and headline (about 30 words)